Feb 29Liked by Thomas Augustus, Jennifer Pippin

I believe in protecting innocent lives. Pity that all some people can do is call names, because their position is indefensible.

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Ignore the liberals who won’t even disclose who they are on this thread. Have a great day Susan and see you soon! ❤️

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Is my trans child an innocent life that deserves protection?

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As your child’s parent, yes it is your responsibility to protect him or her. You have the fundamental rights over your minor child.

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My question is simple. You said "I believe in protecting innocent lives." Is my child's life one of them?

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All children deserve the protection from their parents. ALL. Again this is a fundamental right given to us by God. We as parents have the fundamental right to the upbringing, medical care, education, wellbeing and more of our minor children. ALL.

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But here's the thing. You and I don't personally go to school with our children, right? We delegate their safekeeping to the school (in loco parentis, in the place of the parents, is the legal concept). That means we need some collective agreements about what safety means. What does "protection" look like at school? My child is transgender. I can't protect him at school. So back to my question. You said "I believe in protecting innocent lives." In the context of a collective agreement about safety at school, is my child's life one of them?

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If your child had a drug problem, would you demand everyone affirm their emotional illness pushing them to use drugs? The same applies to transgender youth.

You can't force people to agree your child needs to be protected when you as a parent are supporting and pushing them for their into an emotional struggle. Cuz transgender is about feelings.

It's not about biology or science.

So you expect others to protect your child, when you won't even get them the proper emotional support they need to move through their challenges?

My biggest fear for any child is a parent dies t realize that it's more dangerous to affirm a child, than get them the emotional support to work through their challenges and emotions. I'm sure you'd push back if your child claimed they were wealthy millionaire and ordered you around the house like a slave.

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@Jennifer Pippin no reply? I'm quite interested in what M4L has to say about this.

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It's so interesting to me that every time I try to engage M4L or any of its members with this question, I get no response. The silence is deafening.

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Feb 28Liked by Thomas Augustus, Jennifer Pippin

We missed the meeting due to another commitment. Kudos to Jennifer!

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No problem at all! Completely understandable! Thank you for everything you and Donald do! ❤️

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Removed (Banned)Feb 29
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Mom in FL is a coward that won’t share their own name

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RemovedMar 1
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Not surprised. Why are you so obsessed with M4L and I? We will continue to save America without you. Have a great weekend. Bless your heart ❤️

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Bravely removed and banned. The M4L “free speech” ethos remains intact.

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I’m not going to allow such abusive and uncalled for insults and degrading comments. If you cannot have any decorum, you are gone.

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And yet the “coward” and “off your meds” parts remain.

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Minor children and non political family members of people you oppose are OFF LIMITS. Stick to the issues and not slander, harassment, stalking, cyber stalking etc. BTW this isn’t Moms for Liberty, it’s the Sunshine Journal. Facts matter.

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Regret after surgery and suicidal ideation are completely different things to measure. And you apparently missed this part of the article you posted: "The suicide attempt rate among transgender persons ranges from 32% to 50% across the countries. Gender-based victimization, discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by the family, friends, and community; harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public; discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system are the major risk factors that influence the suicidal behavior among transgender persons"

You see, it's not being trans that is the problem. It's bigotry. My son has been out for four years. He's doing great and has never hesitated in his self-ID. That said, his American college application list is pretty short because most states are unsafe for him to live in. If he lived in one of those states, yeah, I think he'd be pretty depressed.

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Trans people have always existed. There's nothing wrong with them. You having no interest in this history just means you are denying long-documented reality. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/how-historians-are-documenting-lives-of-transgender-people

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That's a terrible tragedy. And if you look at data, rather than an anecdote, regret rates for affirming surgeries are extremely low. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/

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Um... the same org says trans suicide is anywhere between 32%-50%. Ideation is much higher. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/

Stats do not begin to convey the personal tragedy. If your child is under 18, you are subjecting him to abuse.

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Stats do not begin to convey the personal tragedy of trans youth who are rejected and humiliated by their families and friends for being who they are.

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Nobody rejects the children. They reject the fake science and the uninformed normalization of it. I hope your kid survives but gender dysphoria statistics are against such successful outcomes.

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It's shameful that you presume to know so much about the life and identity of another human. My child is neither struggling nor confused. The problems he encounters related to his identity are manufactured by people like you.

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My friend’s daughter killed herself 2 weeks later over such an identity crisis after removing her breasts. She was affirmed to her death at age 22.

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Trans people have always existed, and always will. Trans identity exists independent of any medical or surgical treatment undertaken to affirm it. It simply is.

It's sad that you are so incurious about human nature and history that you would dismiss trans identity out of hand.

Regardless, my trans child will continue to flourish and succeed regardless of your opinion about whether he exists.

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Not "incurious" at all. Your child exists. Trans is not his natural state of being. No temptation is uncommon to any human in the world. His flourishing success will have nothing to do with the alteration of his physical attributes against his own biology. It will only make them more difficult as his internal struggle with identity will overwhelm him for the rest of his life.

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So this tells me you aren't interested in the history of transgender people, or their lived experience, or the generally accepted scientific understanding of transgender identity. Right?

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Author

Um... 'generally accepted scientific understanding?" You sound like the UN talking about Climate Change. What does that even mean? And no, I am not really interested in the history of transgender people, except, where it concerns real healing taking place and a restoration of individuals that would prevent the self-mutilation, & psychological harm brought on by destructive hormone treatments, puberty blockers, skin graphs, and assortment of falsehoods being encouraged against the truth of their NATURAL HUMAN identity.

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In your world, is transgender identity real?

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RemovedFeb 29
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Off your meds today? Too coward to say your real name. I’ll continue to save America without you. Bless your heart ❤️

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RemovedFeb 28
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Vic I’ve personally had to block many pedophiles and groomers on my personal page and M4L pages. And yes that’s an actual problem, not an optics problem.

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