I can’t believe this dog and pony show. What an embarrassment to our community! Once again, Mr. Barefoot stirs up a hornets nest. And, asking for copies of documents such as expense accounts going back four years? Is this a President Election? Come On! The contract was duly Awarded! Get on with it and come to conclusions on other agenda items and stop wasting time and our tax dollars on overblown egos.

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What is SuDa? Based on the context, it sounds like some sort of community building project.

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SuDa is a developer company that brings in others on these projects. They developed the Georgetown waterfront on the Potomac in DC.

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Mr. Barefoot, FYI, JI does not control the city of Vero Beach. Get off your high horse and release the lunatic harrassing city council members and staff and other candidates with his unreasonable public request demands.

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Oh what a tangled web we weave.

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This article is confusing as to Mr. Barefoot, but I'm 71 and will be dead before this is completed. Why are they maintaining the smoke stacks?

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